Positive Behavioral Intervention And Support Live Programs
$500 to $1,500 depending on the programs identified during your 30-minute FREE assessment consultation.
Payment is due in full two weeks before training.
Call us now to schedule a 30-minute FREE assessment consultation or to schedule our programs.
(650) ASK-3213 (275-3213)
We have worked with (partial list): Pollicita Middle School, Ben Franklin, Ortega, Daly City Adult School GED Center, Sunset Ridge, Cabrillo, Ingrid B. Lacy, Westmoor High School, Daly City Peninsula Partnership Collaborative After-School Academic Programs, USF Upward Bound, The African American Community Health Advisory Committee.
$500 to $1,500 depending on the programs identified during your 30-minute FREE assessment consultation.
Payment is due in full two weeks before training.
Call us now to schedule a 30-minute FREE assessment consultation or to schedule our programs.
(650) ASK-3213 (275-3213)
We have worked with (partial list): Pollicita Middle School, Ben Franklin, Ortega, Daly City Adult School GED Center, Sunset Ridge, Cabrillo, Ingrid B. Lacy, Westmoor High School, Daly City Peninsula Partnership Collaborative After-School Academic Programs, USF Upward Bound, The African American Community Health Advisory Committee.